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Who I Am...

Hi there!

I'm Anna and like probably most people here I'm addicted to running!

Would be great to find some other "fellow addicts" and learn about their training, the experiences they've made with running, and so on.. Just contact me. :) I'm glad about every message.


Just a little poem which I'd say is about overcoming your inner remptations... Have fun translating! ;)

Der Schweinehund
Wer rennt so früh am Morgen schon?
Es ist der Läufer beim Marathon.
Die Schritte trommeln in sicherem Takt,
noch siebentausend, dann ist es gepackt.
Als zu ihm die lautlose Stimme spricht:
"Fühlst du Läufer den Schweinehund nicht?
Das stechende Monster von innen heraus?"
Der Läufer denkt: "Das halt ich noch aus."
"Mein lieber Freund, so hör doch auf!
Er ist zu hart der lange Lauf.
Ein stilles Plätzchen im weichen Gras,
im Ohr nur die Ruhe, das wäre jetzt was!"
Oh Läufer, oh Läufer, hörst du denn nicht,
was Schweinehund dir lockend verspricht?
"Ich will es nicht hören!" Er schaltet auf stur,
folgt steinerem Blicke der gegebenen Spur.
"Mein Läufer, was soll diese einsame Qual?
da vorne erscheint grad ein nettes Lokal.
Komm, kehre dort ein, trink Cola, mach Rast!
Komm, mache dich frei von der elenden Last!"
"Sei still, Schweinehund! In olympischem Ringen
will ich die gesamte Distanz bezwingen.
Das Meiste ohnehin schon geschafft -
Hol ich mir den Rest noch mit letzter Kraft."
"Du schwitzendes Wrack, nun mach endlich Halt!
Und bist du nicht willig, benutz ich Gewalt!"
Der Magen wird flauer, der Brustkorb tut weh!
Die Waden verkrampfen, es blutet der Zeh!
Das Tempo wird höher, doch nur auf der Uhr.
Der Läufer beschwört seine Kämpfernatur.
Er stolpert ins Ziel, der Sauhund ist fort.
Und die Zeit? - Persönlicher Weltrekord!


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empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
Haha I'll look for you on TV and be sure to do a special wave so I can pick you out from the crowd! XD You could also wear a shirt saying "HI EMPB28" in large letters. XD Did you get good seats? Every time we go to Eugene to see a major meet we always seem to get sucky seats for a lot of money! But it's still worth it.
empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
How was it watching the World Champs live? Was it as noisy as anyone would expect it to be? Did you get a chance to meet any of the athletes or that loveable cheesy bear mascot?
empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
Dang that sucks! Have your pen fail on you at THAT time! Are you going to Worlds next year too?
Guest posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
So will that be the first time World's has been held out of Europe?
Dolezal posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
Nice poem Anna!

~Eric B)
1 comment(s)
Anna Lu
Isn't it?! :P I can't even remember where I found it... Tbh, it's been a while since my last log-in and I actually just wanted to delete my acc cause nothing's happening here. So dear RunnerSpace, consider this your last chance before I leave! :D
empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
So are you from Australia? Do you run for a college? I just run by myself but I know some good training methods.
empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
You look like you ran the Steeplechase in one of your photos. I have always wondered, do you get seconds taken off your time if you do a graceful dive into the water pit? XD
empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
I guess the steeplechase has all the challenges of the 10K without having to be bored to death running 25 times around the same track. :-} Do you run any other track events? 1500?
empb28 posted a comment Jun 1st 2012, 12:23pm
Interesting poem. I tried to teach myself German recently but got comfused about the whole so-called "declension" system. What's up with that anyway?
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